Welcome to website Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidipuan. Bright learners and excellent academicians, Faculty of Agriculture tried to develop several fields of study in a strong package of scince. Regarding to our University vision, Agriculture faculty focused with the potential local wisdom as a tool to empower the academic services at university level. Faculty of Agriculture has 3 departments in supporting the Tri Dharma aspect which is education, research, and public services. In addition, teaching laboratories and farm experiences are both supporting services that can be equally improved the quality for the learning outcomes. Rapidly, we build the connections with external stakeholders and also the top university at national grade to meet the balance for our academic services. For your precious future, be excellent to choose and be excellent with us.
Warm Greeting,
Dr. Ir. Sutan Pulungan, M.Si
(Dean of Agriculture Faculty)